CALL US (855) 998-8726 price match guarantee offers one of the best PRICE MATCH guarantees on the market to date.

To be eligible for price protection, you would need to contact our sales offices directly via telephone. Web sales are not instantly eligible due to the nature of the purchase being without a sales representative. If you must place the order via the web, please make sure to contact us within 24-48 hours after point of purchase to be eligible.

In order to complete eligibility for JM Auto Racing Price Protection, you would need to inform the sales representative of two things. First, the item in question for Price Protection must be the same brand/product/model/finish etc. You must also provide the representative with a valid URL link of the product that you are requesting Price Protection for. If the sale is not located in the web, we would need a full print verified advertisement from reliable sources. Example auto magazines, newspapers etc.

Processing your order at the lower match price is done at the discretion of and is subject to evaluation using the terms and conditions below.

Price comparison includes merchandise selling price plus equivalent shipping method and handling charges. Expedited shipping offers may not be available for price matched orders. The item also needs to be the identical product available for purchase from an authorized dealer and not a pricing error. Excludes manufacturer restrictions, rebates, liquidations, auction sites such as Ebay, coupons, promotional offers, employee discounts and membership club stores. Price matches discounts cannot be combined with promotional offers. New Jersey residents - price matches do not include state sales tax.

On rare occasions, erroneous price or availability listings may appear on this site or independently operated affiliate sites. While we apologize for the inconvenience such an error may cause, reserves the right to correct inaccuracies at any time, with or without notice, and update any related orders. We also reserve the right not to price match against any erroneous price listing on this site or any other site.